Avaya Service Newcastle


Trusted by businesses both small, medium and large, the Avaya telephone system is the leading system in Australia. Corporate companies use Avaya for its advanced security and high grade performance. The most important aspect is to a business when it comes to their communication is no downtime. When a phone system crashes it can have a big effect on reputation and profits. Avaya phones need to be installed correctly to function at peak performance. This avoids unnecessary crashes and combined with using the leading system – Avaya – means your phone system runs smoothly. Fixtel is an Australian owned and operated company with over 25 years of experience. We are the leading installers in Australia and can help business with a few desk phones to up to 50,000 desktops.


Our Newcastle Fixtel team specialise in regional areas – we know what regional businesses look for and need in their telecom system. Newcastle is a large regional business centre and our Fixtel technicians partner with many local companies. We can provide planning, installation and repair of Avaya technology. If your business needs complex private branch exchanges (PBX) to connect to multiple sites or is a smaller size and is looking to have the most cost effective phone system – call Fixtel today.


With technology advancements in the internet and communication field, phone systems now have a much lower running costs than days gone by. You can now interlink multiple locations from across Australia and work as if side by side. The setup costs are always recouped in lower day to day telecommunications cost. This is especially relevant to regional corporate centres like Newcastle.

Fixtel offers a support team service in Newcastle and can offer the following;

  • Phone support costs can be fixed at hourly, Daily, Monthly, Yearly rates
  • Both remote and onsite support solutions are available
  • Administration of all Avaya systems with engineering support
  • Individualised Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
  • Round the clock monitoring solutions available
  • Regular phone systems monitoring and maintenance
  • Online system for support ticket tracking
  • Moving of all phone systems to new locations


Avaya invests millions of dollars into research and development. The phone models are designed with business features and design that mean you do not need to upgrade your phones like smartphones. Currently there are 16 Avaya phones to select from.

Our Fixtel technicians know how to work old and new systems together, and we advise on how to combine these systems without causing disruption. We regularly train on new Avaya models and have extensive knowledge of all Avaya phone models. Fixtel can advise on what type of Avaya phone will be suitable for your business, taking into account your budget and communication needs.

Contact us today for Avaya phone model advice


Years ago a business could operate with hundreds of phone lines which created costly ongoing telephone bills. Now with internet and data improvements the same technology that sends data can send voice calls. They can transfer easily between national and international locations and to clients. It does come with costlier setup but brings low running costs.

It is vital to match the right Avaya technology and phone model to your requirements. Fixtel have over 25 years in the industry, so if you are wanting a new office phone system or to see if you can save ongoing communications cost, then speak to us today.


If your business experiences technical problems with your phone system and have downtime, the effects can be costly. It is important to have any downtime fixed quickly and prevent it from occurring repeatedly.

The Newcastle Fixtel technician team respond to support tickets in real time – immediately. The team will look at why and how the issue happened and identify any underlying factor to make sure it does not happen again.

Most times any issues can be diagnosed and fixed remotely. Though if needed onsite our Newcastle technicians are able to arrive fast. Client feedback shows our quick and efficient technical support for Avaya systems is one of our most valued benefits. We understand a short turnaround means less expensive downtime.


Planning is vital to any new office setup or relocation. One of the first points to plan will be the communications. This is because communication technology needs cables installed and points installed even before furniture is moved in. Getting the right advice on planning and installation is important and will effect the day to day operation of your business.

Avaya installation and planning is a core function we provide businesses. We are the leading Australian Avaya installer and work everyday with businesses of all industries and sizes. Our team installs and plans the installation efficiently and with as little disruption as possible. Makings sure your system is installed correctly means down the line your business will avoid problems. It is vital to get the best Avaya Installation.

Partner with Fixtel to get the best Avaya Installation.


Regular monitoring and maintenance will keep your phone system running smoothly. Fixtel can remotely perform monitoring, maintenance and repairs. Which means little disruption to your day to day functions. If you do not have regular check ups on your system it may fail from preventable faults, causing avoidable expense and downtime.

Fixtel’s Avaya Maintenance and repair Newcastle team keeps your Avaya telephone system in top working order. We partner with you and work as an in-house team at a much more cost effective rate than an actual in-house team on your payroll.

Fixtel is the leading telephone technicians and come with over 25 years of experience with Avaya. Contact us today for advice and service agreement costs.


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